Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blue Cat''s Phaser

Modeled after vintage analog phaser circuits, Blue Cat's Phaser reproduces this old vintage phasing effect that you can find on so many recordings, but with the precision of modern digital processing techniques. You can choose to apply up to 32 phasing stages, pushing the model to its limits, or create a subtle phasing effect with wet and feedback parameters set to a few percents. You can also control the phase of the signal in the wet and feedback paths (these parameters can have negative values), which extends the possibilities of the model: the included factory presets will show you how many sounds you can get from this effect. The MIDI control capabilities of this plug-in let you use it with any hardware or software MIDI controller, and the User Interface is totally customizable thanks to Blue Cat's Skinning Language support. For a stereo widening phasing effect, check our Blue Cat's Stereo Phaser plugin.

1 comment:

  1. I've been using it for many years now. Believe me, it is an astonishingly easy-to-use software generating even more astonishing results.
    After downloading several crappy freeware, this one finally satisfied me. Easy to use. Several formats available. With output folder options and converts images and audios too. Basically [really] does everything it says.
